My idea

idea is my play on words—it started with trying to find a name for my part-time business when I retired from full-time work and started studying for an MA in Christian Apologetics at Biola University in La Mirada, Los Angeles (yes, I know, but somebody has to do it!). Being a risk manager for the latter part of my career, the name needed to include “risk” and I wanted to confine my activities to training and advisory work, hence “education” and “advice”. This seemed to go with my initials to make “idearisk” and, when I switched from being a sole trader to having a limited company, idearisk ltd came into being.

However, I also wanted an umbrella for my Christian apologetics mission and so “ea” also became “evangelism and apologetics”. Hence the website URL, “” which provides a landing page for my personal apologetics blog, idearisk ltd and also a means of sharing details about Reasonable Faith (both the South Wales Chapter, which I run, and Dr. William Lane Craig’s home page).

Hopefully, you will also forgive me for sharing my amateur photos of God’s marvellous creation (otherwise known as Gower)!

P.S. clicking on the FaceBook icon on these pages will take you to the Reasonable Faith South Wales Chapter page, while the LinkedIn icon will take you to my LinkedIn page.